Wild Garden Bouquet


Stunning bouquet of seasonal flowers one might find blooming in the garden at this time of year! Wrapped in brown paper and raffia for a wild and natural look.

Flowers will vary daily and with the season and will Not be exactly as images shown. Available for Dublin delivery.


Wild Garden Bouquet

Stunning bouquet of seasonal flowers one might find blooming in the garden at this time of year! Wrapped in Kraft paper and raffia for a wild and natural look.

Flowers will vary daily and with the season and will Not be exactly as images shown. Available for Dublin delivery. 

Additional information

Bouquet Size

Deluxe, Large Bouquet, Medium Bouquet

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Oasis Boutique Florists - web logo
88 Terenure Rd N,
Terenure, Dublin,
D6W VY73
Monday - Saturday
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
info@oasisflorists.ie 01 490 0112

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