The Deluxe Dozen Roses


The Deluxe Dozen Roses.

12 Beautiful, Grade A, Long Stemmed Red Roses Arranged with Gypsophilia or berries and/or Luscious Foliage Gift & Wrapped in Water.

Also available presented in a Luxurious Vase! Same day delivery or collection from our store in Terenure


The Deluxe Dozen Roses. 12 Beautiful, Grade A, Long Stemmed Red Roses Arranged with Gypsophilia and/or Luscious Foliage, Willow & Gift Wrapped in Water. Also available presented in a Vase! Same day delivery or collection.

Additional information


Gift Wrapped in Water Box, In a Vase

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Oasis Boutique Florists - web logo
88 Terenure Rd N,
Terenure, Dublin,
D6W VY73
Monday - Saturday
9:30 am - 5:30 pm 01 490 0112

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