
Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant


Phalaenopsis Orchids.

Tall Phalaenopsis Orchids in petty ceramic pots or glass vase. Easy to care for and a perfect gift. Beautiful flowers and plants available online for delivery in Dublin from Oasis Florists Terenure Dublin


Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant

Tall Phalaenopsis Orchids in petty ceramic pots or glass vase. Easy to care for and a perfect gift. Beautiful flowers and plants available online for delivery in Dublin from Oasis Florists Terenure Dublin

Florists Choice option could be any unusual colour we have in stock, orange, lemon or green!

Additional information


Cymbidium Orchid in Pot, Florists Choice In Pot, Pink Orchid in Glass, Pink Orchid in Pot, White Orchid in Glass, White Orchid in Pot

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88 Terenure Rd N,
Terenure, Dublin,
D6W VY73
Monday - Saturday
9:30 am - 5:30 pm

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