Lovely Lily Bouquet


Lovely lily Bouquet

Classic bouquet of white or pink lilies with foliage and/or twigs! Beautifully presented!

Please note that lilies will be fresh and therefore mostly closed on delivery.


Classic bouquet of white or pink lilies with foliage and/or twigs! Beautifully presented!

Please note that lilies will be fresh and therefore mostly closed on delivery. Deluxe size comes boxed as per images.

Additional information

Lily Bouquet

Deluxe / Mixed Lily *Free Flora Box*, Deluxe / Pink Lily *Free Flora Box*, Deluxe / White Lily *Free Flora Box*, Medium/ Mixed lily, Medium/ White Lily, Medium/PInk Lily, Standard / Mixed Lily, Standard / Pink Lily, Standard / White Lily

Oasis Boutique Florists - web logo
88 Terenure Rd N,
Terenure, Dublin,
D6W VY73
Monday - Saturday
9:30 am - 5:30 pm

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