Lilies & Roses Mix Bouquet


Delightful Mixed Bouquet including Lilies and Roses with complimentary flowers and foliage of the season. Order flowers online for Dublin delivery from Oasis Florists Dublin.


Delightful Mixed Bouquet including Lilies and Roses with complimentary flowers and foliage of the season.

Order flowers online for Dublin delivery from Oasis Florists Dublin.

Additional information

Lilies & Roses

Classic w/Red Roses, Classic w/White/Cream Roses, Deluxe w/Pink Roses, Deluxe w/Red Roses, Deluxe w/White/Cream Roses, Luxury w/Pink Roses, Luxury w/Red Roses, Luxury w/White/Cream Roses

Oasis Boutique Florists - web logo
88 Terenure Rd N,
Terenure, Dublin,
D6W VY73
Monday - Saturday
9:30 am - 5:30 pm 01 490 0112

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