Colour Splash Bouquet


Super bright and vibrant bouquet in pink, purple orange and lime green! May include lilies, gerbera, lisianthus and chrysanthemum blooms ! Order flowers online or call 01 4900112.

Disclaimer: Flowers will vary daily & will not be exactly as images shown.

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Colour Splash Bouquet

Super bright and vibrant bouquet in pink, purple orange and lime green! May include lillies, gerbera, lisianthus and chrysanthemum blooms ! Order flowers online or call 01 4900112.

Flowers will vary daily & will not be exactly as images shown.


Additional information

Gift Wrapped Size

Gift Wrapped in water, Presented in a Vase

Oasis Boutique Florists - web logo
88 Terenure Rd N,
Terenure, Dublin,
D6W VY73
Monday - Saturday
9:30 am - 5:30 pm 01 490 0112

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